Thursday, November 27, 2014

YCAA - Christmas sale.

Great news!

On December 14th 2014 I will take part in the 4th edition of Young Creators Against Aids (Tour&Taxi, Brussels).
I will share a booth with Oh... Really? hats and my nobodycares® creations by My good friend Pô and Amélie Del my comic artist buddy!

More information to follow. I can't wait!


Practical information

14 décembre 2014 de 12h à 19h.

Site Tour&Taxi
Avenue du Port 86C Havenlaan
1000 Bruxelles/Brussels
I shamelessly stole this from my friend blog and changed it! 
And here is soem more sneak on the kind of things I'll be selling there along with my usual Christmas cards!

those are T-shirt, and design I did. The deer head will be printed in screen-printing, colored and made into a bookmark! the tiny christmas squi in it's poket will be printed on t-shirt!

I hope to see you there! Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Bad-ass Card captor Sakura

Sakura Belong to the CLAMP ( Japanese manga team) I made a bad-ass version of her so the little cute pink witch looks more evil and dark!


I don't forget I owe you Information about  the the 4th edition of Young Creators Against Aids (Tour&Taxi, Brussels) where i'll be selling prints, cards, and t-shirt! it's going to happen On December 14th 2014  at Tour et Taxis in Brussels!  Make sure to block the day! I'll soon post all the informations about what exactly will be found there!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sleeping BeautHarpy.

I will sell print of this one soon so If you're interested drop a comment here!
( A4 Black and white on white 200gr/m² paper)