Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wannabe taler/illustrator hu?

sooo... I thought I may share some super secret and interesting informations with you guys *_*... This is a "step by step" of "how to be a wannabe taler/illustrator". So open you hears and be ready to be introduced to the Oh So Secret art of sorting the mess of your head to turn it into stories and drawings. As this is a step by step, let's start with the first step: 

First thing and surely the most important and useless in same time: finding a way to sort out all the ideas that poped in your head somewhere or somehow: For myself it's mostly sketches books, but also written down on computer, drawn in the middle of classes notes or on and old newspaper... I say most important because most of the time if you don't get you idea down somewhere it will just go with the flow and you'll end up forgetting it... And useless because, let's be frank, 80% of those craps wrote down won't ever be used or read again...


Step two: Once in a while get back to those random notes and sketches, sort them and try to make them work together. Still even if you get to make many different things work together it won't give guarantee that you'll use them... But well sometime you'll definitely will!

Step three: Good you have your idea and kinda really like it! Now you need to find the time, the patience and the courage to make it into a story, or a comics, or a project for a big nice illustration. It's time to work carefully on your text, start to think of your images construction, the kind of images you want, maybe draw down some basis ( like if you'll need plants in your story it may be time to get out and draw few from nature...) , choose colors...

Fourth step: It's not always the fourth step. Mostly it's the fourth step when you want to end up with a book project . You'll make a mini project so you can decided of the shape , the number of pages, cut the text , make first composition, so you'll have your first visual over your book ( it important cause your whole pics must work well together for the story! also you must choose how you'll cut the text carefully cause by pages you can't have countless picture and last but not least your book must be dynamic while being read, the eyes must have an easy travel around the pages and the story must be fluidly tale. )

next steps Soon.


gaet said...

Mais alors POURQUOI on tu nous as jamais fait un bouquin?

Clausse said...

bha... ils restes tous a l'état depetites maquettes projets pas finies :D